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      10-04-2011, 10:56 PM   #45
mikeith's Avatar

Drives: 07 E90 335i. TiAG
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: lubbock, tx

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It's simple just contest it, I live in tx. The cop is required to show up in court for a contested ticket and the judged wil not only dismiss it but punish the cop more than likely when he finds out the cop was texting and driving(Texas is HUGE against that right now) and if the cop doesnt show it gets dismissed anyway... It's win-win for you. Trust me dude you are in the clear.

The cop broke a traffic law called "impeding traffic" which IS very dangerous to you as a driver because you being held up at a green light because of his stupidity could have gotten you rear ended and seriously injured or killed so the use of your horn was very justified because you were concerned for your safety. It's a VERY easy case!!!
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