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      08-30-2010, 11:35 AM   #13

Drives: munichs finest
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Stuttgart

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Originally Posted by brocken View Post
That's what is really sad is that people think you have to be rich and have everything to have a good childhood/life.

We weren't "poor" growing up but definitely at the lower end of middle class as it was a single income home.
I would say I had a great childhood though because of rather than in spite of not having everything. And I say that because I have much more appreciation for what we did have and how much my parents care for me.
I had a blast playing with my brother outside. We'd climb trees, make forts, crash our bicycles, play ninja turtles vs GI Joe, the list goes on.
I didn't get any gaming system until I was 12 and that was a gameboy I was only allowed to play on a limited basis. Didn't get anything else until I was 15 and we got a super nintendo. We lived in the woods so we got 3 channels, sort of. We had fun on Friday or Saturday night and rented a movie and watched as a family.

That's why it's sad now that a lot of kids get their rolemodels from some terd on MTV with everything. What happened to parents being the rolemodel?(and I don't mean just cause they make lots of money)
f*ckin' love my car <3
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