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      10-11-2012, 11:59 AM   #39

Drives: CTS-V
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: United States

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Originally Posted by thatswhatsh3said View Post
The owner gave his car willingly to the dealer, he would have needed to furnish this information that he has a video recording device set up in the car OR should have turned it off. Its similar to having a 'nanny' cam in your home -- but home vs. car debate wouldn't be the same deal.

If the guy stole his vehicle it would have been a different with the video. As with anything in the law -- grey areas all around.
To my knowledge, there is no law that states you have to inform someone you're recording video of them in your own home.

Audio laws are actually more strict than video, however audio within video does follow the same audio guidelines.

It comes down to whether or not the mechanics had a reasonable expectation of privacy, and whether or not their conversation can be considered confidential. If they were at their business, it could be claimed they had both. If they were in your car, especially off company property doing the burnout/having the conversation, then I think the car owner would stand a good chance in court.

Best bet, depending on damage, could be small claims court where the judge has more leniency to determine what they want to hear and take into account.

Bottom line, the bad press should be enough to get the dealership to do something. Perhaps the owner should organize a "call the dealership" event where people call and inquire about how their service department treats customers cars.
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