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      01-06-2016, 01:19 PM   #10
Long Time Admirer, First Time Owner
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Oxnard, CA

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You talk about having a future wife/family. Consider as a MD that you will be on call all the time, you will miss some of your kids' events, your wife potentially has lots of "free" time alone without you. Those are the things you may have to sacrifice to follow your passion.

On the positive side, you save even 1 kids from leukemia, and have the everlasting gratitude of the family, they send you cookies and a Christmas card every year showing the growth of that kid.

Money really shouldn't be your decision-maker. The happiest people in life are doing something they "would still do even if I didn't get paid" I could make significantly more cash on a weekly basis if I were to take another job, but I wouldn't see my family, wouldn't be able to take off at 2 in the afternoon to watch my kid play baseball, wouldn't be able to kiss my wife goodnight, and snuggle up with my pup before falling into a restful sleep IN MY OWN BED.

YMMV. . .
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