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      12-08-2010, 12:41 PM   #21
Kyoshi71's Avatar

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Originally Posted by OC 335i View Post
Yes, but you are not always fighting in a bar or against multiple opponents.
Oh that's smart. So just train to fight one guy in the ring and when the bar scenario arises, press charges a sue.

Originally Posted by OC 335i View Post
How much live sparring do you guys do? How does it work? Do you have a video of you sparring sections online anywhere? All I could find were cheesy ones where you guys are breaking bricks and stuff like that. Is it point fighting? What do you guys do in sparring sessions?
Probably half of any class is live, full contact fighting; no gloves.
Whatever pics or clips of breaks you found were probably of Barathy from 30 years ago. They were pretty cheesy but breaking 30" of granite really isnt a joke.

Originally Posted by OC 335i View Post
Sounds like a bunch of marketing bs. Bouncing at a club? Seriously?
There is no marketing because they have no schools, simple. They just have people that want to learn, and like to fight. Research it, there's no gimmick.

By the way OC 335, what do you train in?
"But resist we much; we must; and we will much; about that be committed."
~Rev. Al Sharpton

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