Originally Posted by TheBingoBalls
Depending on how they informed you, I don't see anything wrong.
Well, the fact that their website lists the cost of an oil change at $79 for one thing but you go in and they charge you more than twice that amount and then claim that nobody offers an oil change for $79 is somewhat troubling.
Originally Posted by TheBingoBalls
I would be more disappointed if the SA didn't inform me of maintenance items that were approaching the point to be replaced. Informing me doesn't mean I have to agree and let them do it.
Exactly, but they told me with absolute certainty my brakes needed to be done. A reputable dealer would have said "the key indicates the brakes are due soon, we will take a look at the pads and let you know what we think" rather than just saying they need to do them right away and that I'm putting my life at risk without bothering to look.
I ended up going to Center BMW. $79 for an oil change. They checked the pads told me not to worry about them. They also found an oil leak which was fixed under the CPO warranty, and they took care of my serpentine belt even though I had no idea it was an issue. Oh...yeah they gave me a rental car too while Santa Monica wouldn't even give me a lift to my office less than 2 miles away.