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      08-18-2015, 12:15 PM   #2

Drives: 2013 F10 M5
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2013 BMW M5  [0.00]
Originally Posted by sx33 View Post
I had my DME replaced due to malfunction, and I asked my SA what version FW my CIC is on. He told me that the "integration level" on the car, after the DME replacement is E89X-2015-03-XXX (XXX=don't remember theese number, think it was 405 or something). Does that mean that they also updated the CIC?

According to the SA, they don't just update one component, but all when needing to update for some reasons.
But I see many of you reffering to CIC FW C13 C16 and so on, all I got was the integration level.

Same thing?
Yes, it's the latest firmware. BMW stopped development on the CIC firmware back in 2012/2013 with the release of the NBT. So any integration level higher than 2012/2013 will have the latest CIC firmware.
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