Thread: How to get cut?
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      03-22-2011, 12:22 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by TiAg335i View Post
I don't really have a 'routine' per se. It's just really casual light stuff, nothing hardcore. I broke my humerus about 8 months ago but it's healed now so I've been trying to do what I can.

My core exercises usually consist of ab crunch machine, decline reverse crunch, flat bench lying leg raise, frog sit ups, hyperextensions

I've been doing that routine for a while and probably do need to switch it up.

Not a bad idea. I'll have to start swimming for sure.
I'd definitely mix it up. A lot.

This guy, Scot Herman, has some great routines. I've been doing the same two routines (each consisting of about five different techniques) for the past year and I've been plateauing lately. Started following this guy's videos and it's like I'm tearing my core up all over again.

Here's just one example. He's got tons of core vids mixed with lower and upper body as well. I'm surprised at how helpful YouTube is. I've added so many new exercises to my normal routines.
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