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      11-08-2017, 02:37 AM   #222
///M4ster Yoda

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Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Long Island, NY

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Originally Posted by davis449 View Post
Originally Posted by 1 AKY View Post
Veering slightly off-Off-Topic, but aren?t all Americans immigrants (or ancestors were).....with the exception of the indigenous native ?Indians? ?

Or is it the usual case of ?might is right??
A recent, thorough, investigation confirmed Siberian ancestry and traces of native Australian and Melanesian peoples in "Native Americans". So, what we've always thought true (that they came here over the land bridge that used to exist between modern day Siberia and Alaska some 12,000 years ago) has been proven. After they came here, they disseminated into tribal nations and killed and conquered one another as populations of men always have and will continue to do. So idiots who spout off shit like this really need to STFU. Europeans came, saw, and conquered. Later on, as countries took shape on this continent, the US gov. allowed large numbers in, as they saw fit, at times to build this country. Excluded from this are the African slaves and their descendants who were forceably brought here (after often being sold out by their own) and forced to help build. Now we're WAY beyond that period of time. What we need now is talented, productive, and skilled immigrants to significantly contribute to our country and its economy. We don't need anymore Uber drivers like this sorry fuck. The "talent pool" for that sector is already large enough. Likewise, we don't need scores of illegal immigrants spilling over our borders and sucking up our resources while they hide until someone grants them citizenship they didn't earn, as any effort made after breaking the law jumping the border is null and void. We have enough poor, desperate souls with citizenship living here already who deserve that attention and those resources.
Bravo. I never come here but read the other forums poli-sci frequently. Same bullshit (left vs right) different participants.

I felt the need to respond because your post is spot on!
Appreciate 1