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BMW 3-Series (E90 E92) Forum
NOx Map-out/Delete vs NOxEM
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12-15-2024, 04:07 AM | #90 |
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I want to continue the topic. The NOx sensor gives three signals to the ECU (not counting the error status data, etc. - we don't care about them yet). The NOx signal does not directly affect the formation of the regeneration signal and desulfurization of the catalyst. The actual amount of NOx in ppm is compared with the amount of modeled emissions, taking into account the NOx storage capacity of the catalyst. If the actual emissions are greater than the modeled ones, then the aging factor is introduced, and the capacity of the catalyst decreases. Based on the capacity minus the passed NOx molecules (calculated from the mass amount of air and fuel, its ratio), requests for regeneration are generated! Based on aging and other indications, the catalyst sulfate is modeled and appropriate desulfurization request. The linear signal from the NOx sensor during desulphation determines rich exhaust gases, and the model reduces the amount of contamination of the catalyst - we are not interested in this either! Binary signal of NOx sensor - is responsible for the regeneration process. This signal is interesting to us! ECU slightly depletes the fuel in order to "blow" the catalyst from NOx compounds, and here the algorithm for n53 (two catalysts) and n43 (one catalyst) is slightly different, but the essence is this: the binary sensor should see rich exhaust gases, i.e. with a slightly lean fuel mixture, the ability of the catalyst to combine with oxygen and oxides is checked. That is, the readings of the binary lambda are very important, as is its switching time. Now let's move on to the important part, this is the firmware!: To activate the calculations (not turn on the layer-by-layer mode) it is important: EGR should work, there are no misfires and ECU RECEIVES DATA FROM THE NOx SENSOR! (what data is not important now, the main thing is that there is no error on the can-bus)! The firmware has many possibilities to expand the tolerances for the incoming data of the NOx sensor, and also to increase the "model" NOx storage capacity to very large values. also in the firmware you can register as constants the data "virtually" received from the NOx sensor. For example, always 1 ppm! You will ask me: "Why haven't you done the work without the sensor yet, and why write here?", I will answer: the thing is that in order to make such firmware I have to check, debug, test, on my car! And here I have a problem, even with a fully working "new" NOx sensor, a serviceable engine (no errors!), and no misfires and other problems that could prohibit calculations (as I wrote earlier) - DME does not want to turn on other modes at all! Only lambda = 1. Resetting adaptations, resetting the sensor, resetting the catalyst - does not solve the problem! I have documentation of the Continental MSD80 level (the one with 9500 pages) and documentation of the BMW level (another 3500 pages), I have knowledge in programming the microcontroller, assembler. I have an understanding of the internal combustion engine operation - of course, not the same as chip tuners! I need help to make it work in all modes in the standard configuration! Then I will be able to make a firmware - even with a non-working sensor activate all modes! Last edited by Yurii54; 12-15-2024 at 08:33 AM.. |
12-15-2024, 11:26 AM | #92 | |
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Good summary.... thanks! It seems you are getting very close to a clean software solution of the N53 NOX; however a challenge of keeping correct mode switching between homogenous and stratified still means a lot of experimenting (few years ago, with a help of an advanced bmw engine tuner we got to the point where a remap of msd80 allowed- NOX sensor cutoff and proper running but only in homogenous I still think that one of the issues why your car does not switch modes even after installation of new NOX senzor (from the pictures you send to me it looks original sensor gen 05) could be problem with thermostat ot electric water pump- as far as I know DME stops switch of the modes (besides the reason you mention) even if the temperature profiles of the engines are not being met (try to google for details but n53 is a bit of demanding bitch in that respect); and also discrepencies in the operational parametres can cause restriction on switching into stratified. Also, some older versions of firmware of msd80 (especialy those up to 2012) are a bit more restrictive... so make sure you have the latest msd80 firmware which is in the I-level from 2018 It would be great if you are able to complete a full rework of msd80 firmware to be able to work without nox sensor and keep mode switching, you have been able to go further than myself about 5 years ago ( I have arrived to a point that realizing how many n53 are going to be alive in few years, versus time needed to complete all experiments proving it works, led me to a decision to leave the "project") In between, I have arrived to a "good value for the money" solution to keep original bmw nox alive in my own n53 and for friends. I am able to get original NGK nox probe NS11a for around 150 euro and it can be easily connected (8wires) to any generation of bmw nox sensor (the box with electronics never dies according to my 10years of experience) for n53; that probe is a part of bmw sensors for actual BMW Gxx (standar price od them exceeds 600 euro) Last edited by jirka330i; 12-16-2024 at 03:48 AM.. |
12-16-2024, 03:50 AM | #93 |
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Yes, I had problems with the water pump two years ago, I changed it to a new one and also changed the thermostat! Jiri there are no problems with the cooling system, because after resetting all adaptations, the temperature very quickly rises to +-108 degrees. But after some time the temperature decreases and the ECU maintains 90 degrees - and as a person from a site we know writes, the ECU has switched to MAP mode! And I did tests to check the pumps and thermostat, everything works! About the problem: as the Internet writes, if there are no critical faults, for a short time until the system understands that something is wrong with NOx, then the modes should switch! I have: No errors. The NOx sensor works, communicates, shows ppm, lin Lamb, bin Lamb, no misfires, I have tested the systems (water pump, thermostat, radiator flaps, etc.) and everything goes without errors. I have reset all adaptations, trained using videos on YouTube and instructions on the website. It does not switch modes, even for a moment! I am asking for advice on what other systems to check that may be affected by (prohibition) modes? Jiri, I agree that the original and standard solution is the best! But, the car gets older every year, and soon (maybe like mine, mileage over 300,000 km) problems may arise (I don't know, either I have a problem in the NOx system, or in something else) when replacing the sensor does not help! And it would be good to have a solution! Therefore, I am not asking for a solution to change the firmware, at this stage I am asking for help to start the system in normal mode with a standard sensor! |
12-16-2024, 04:14 AM | #94 | |
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Well, as I told you- this would require a proper deep dive diag with INPA/ISTA to learn what are the exact parametres of engine in idle, low load and high load... I am 90% sure that one of the parametres outside the range restricts mode switching even with newly installed bmw nox sensor The temperatures around 108 degrees are allright but 90 degrees sounds strange to me... in the first step I would probably focus on finding why that happens Good luck and keep us informed! |
12-16-2024, 08:29 AM | #95 |
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I will add information! It is cold here now, winter! I did an experiment, turned off the heater, and waited. The engine temperature rose to 108 degrees, the fan turned on and cooled down to 100 degrees, and so on cyclically! When I turned on the heater, the temperature smoothly dropped to 90 degrees.
I think this is normal, the cooling system is working properly!? 🤔 |
12-23-2024, 07:47 AM | #96 | |
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If I remember well from the diagnostics the n53 standard engine operation temperature is around 105degrees and in eco mode around 115 degrees... only in high output mode (and higher outside temperatures the ecu ushes the temperature below 100 degrees). These target engine temperatures slightly vary between various firmware editions So.... you need to see, when you drive in a standard mode, if and how quickly the temperature of engine raturns from 90 degreesto the target after the cabin heater involvement. Were you thermostat or sensors replaced? Is it BMW original for n53? I ask that because some non original parts are not calibrated properly and they can cause a chaos not only in thermal management of the engine... which then leads to a prohibition of stratified mode switching |
12-25-2024, 08:50 AM | #97 |
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I thought about the situation and came to the conclusion that the thermostat is not working, it does not open - it is faulty! Now I have changed the thermostat (unfortunately not the original, but German. It says 97 * C on it). Now the temperature rises to 96 degrees and freezes there! At the same time, the fans do not turn on! This means that it is now working correctly! I reset the adaptations - but the stratified mode does not work! I suspect that I have another problem that is not displayed in the errors! I have the latest firmware with a small modification: 1. Torque limits in power mode have been raised (initially I have a weak version of 218 hp) 2. Catalytic converter errors have been removed. I want to draw your attention to this! Error masks have not been removed! Errors in the firmware are calculated! I changed the constants and coefficients of the catalyst efficiency test - now all tests are passed and all of them are considered successful! i.e. he believes that the efficiency of the catalysts is 100% (everything else works normally, including the 2nd lambda probe...) Last edited by Yurii54; 12-25-2024 at 09:28 AM.. |
01-04-2025, 11:03 AM | #98 | |
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NOXEM electronics are covered by a LIFETIME warranty; We have sold more than 8000 units within last 5 years; as far as I remember - in 4 or 5 cases issues were confirmed; Most popular – mechanical damage to the connector. One case – triggered overvoltage protection, and one – PCB issue (case of Jirka); I didn’t charge customers in any of these cases, even if/when connector was damaged mechanically; Yes, this customer had an issue with their device. The device was repaired and sent back within one working day; I paid for shipping back to the customer (it’s a usual practice); After the repair, I didn’t receive any complaints; We had a friendful and long/constructive discussion with this guy (he claimed that he is an electronics engineer, too), I have no clue why he wrote such posts here; Also, he is claiming that we are using cheap China-made components. It’s not true. All components are the highest quality branded parts. This guy has no clue what he is talking about – he doesn’t have schematics; he saw just a PCB covered in black silicone. If interested, I can provide information about each component; Devices were developed and manufactured (the whole process - starting from PCB manufacturing and ending with assembly, flashing, and testing) here in Latvia. The product was never outsourced; Information about ‘’cheap’’ sensors – also not true. We are purchasing Bosch sensors right from the manufacturer. Industries standard is M18 thread size for oxygen sensors. Industries standard for NOx sensors – M20 size thread. Self-explanatory: thread insert M18 to M20 needs to be used. And yes, NTK is the only European company that manufactures NOx sensors. If necessary, thread cleaner needs to be used when the sensor is replaced. If necessary, the thread insert needs to be replaced (it costs 2 EUR and can be purchased in the nearest car shop). All these nuances were explained to the customer. An additional brand-new thread insert was attached to the sensor after the repair; Except for the LIFETIME warranty for electronics, we provide DIY information about the replacement of the sensor if it gets damaged. We are not making a profit selling devices again and again for the same customers. Also, we are offering repair (replacement of the sensor and calibration of the device) for reasonable prices. p.s. since 2021, we have offered the KIT version for NOXEM 129 and NOXEM 130. For these models, the probe is not included in the package. Instead, KIT has the usual LSU 4.9 connector and allows the attachment and replacement of a probe within minutes. If you have any doubts about our probes, if you have better prices, and/or are looking for maximal flexibility - KIT version is for you! Last edited by Kaspars; 01-06-2025 at 03:44 AM.. |
01-04-2025, 11:26 AM | #99 | |
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The guy sent a picture of a China-made sensor and NOx (not our) sensor with a complaint: ''That’s your problem. Water ingress My Vito 119 sport line had issues of and on for 2 years .'' He never sent diagnostics data for checkups and never sent our device for checkups or repairs. And yes, my answer was: Really? It's definitely not our problem. Btw, advice - do NOT use cheap China-made crap! p.s. If 2AF2 is stored, I NEVER recommend checking connection/wires! This error is NOT related to the connection! p.p.s. According to his profile, this guy is located in NY and drives a 335i. Zero sold NOXEMs to USA; N43/53 has never been sold to USA; 335i means N54, not N53. Last edited by Kaspars; 01-04-2025 at 12:12 PM.. |
01-07-2025, 12:17 AM | #100 |
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The quality of the product can be debated for a long time, I myself work in a production facility where products are mass-produced, and in such production facilities, defects are inevitable (they can be minimized). Even in the case of a small batch order, defects may appear. And it is impossible to claim that the developer is to blame (he did not solder the board himself!). Kaspars, I understand that you are the person who repairs n43/n53 and sells their noxem devices. After reading your blog, you write that if you install noxem, everything will work as usual! Then the question is, with the original NOx sensor installed and no errors in the system - why doesn't my DME switch modes even for 1 second (I did all the recommendations - resetting the alarms, checking all the units)? And you guarantee that in my case, after installing noxem, everything will work!? Why am I asking, if people buy a solution from you and the result does not work (as is possible and I will not get it by installing your device) - people will have a negative review! |
01-07-2025, 03:03 AM | #101 | |
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no, I am not selling ''their devices''. I am a guy who did reverse engineering of MSD80. I am a guy who developed NOXEM. I am the author of algorithms, schematics, and PCB. I am flashing, testing, and calibrating each device. In person. About your case - I am offering Online diagnostics. Please visit my website for more information. Without data, it's just a guessing. So, diagnostics will provide an answer to your question. Anyway, if DME has stock software, if all remaining systems are working correctly, if all service procedures are fulfilled - yes, the Stratified charge is renewed! Without exceptions. Guys, I am offering a lifetime warranty, diagnostics, a DIY repair guide, a KIT option, and a blog (all information is entirely free of charge). Please let me know what else I can do for you! Last edited by Kaspars; 01-07-2025 at 03:12 AM.. |
01-12-2025, 03:36 AM | #102 |
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It may be that the NOx system is disabled in the factory firmware? Below are photos of factory firmware (*.0da files), mine (on the left) and another (on the right). In the fourth highlighted line, you can see that the OBDII diagnostic bits of the sensor are disabled in my firmware! I am sure that these are exactly the bits (based on reverse engineering - photo below). The documentation says that 0 is the auto mode, where the sensor, data bus, etc. are checked for serviceability. If everything is OK, diagnostics of readings are performed! 1 - diagnostics are disabled (as in my firmware). 2 - diagnostics are forcibly enabled. In the configuration bits of my firmware, the system is configured as: one NOx sensor, two catalysts. INPA allows reading memory data including RAM - I looked there: stratified mode calculations are allowed (i.e. there are no critical errors prohibiting calculations!), there is no request for regeneration, there is no request for lambda (according to the state of the catalyst) = 1! But it does not want to switch modes! |
01-17-2025, 07:21 AM | #106 |
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01-20-2025, 02:34 PM | #108 |
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